Bouillabaisse in Cannes

Bouillabaisse in Cannes Bouillabaisse in Cannes. The best bouillabaisse I ever tasted was in a restaurant in Cannes in the south of France. It was my 40th birthday and I traveled there to celebrate … [Read more…]
Bouillabaisse in Cannes Bouillabaisse in Cannes. The best bouillabaisse I ever tasted was in a restaurant in Cannes in the south of France. It was my 40th birthday and I traveled there to celebrate … [Read more…]
Camping In The Sierras. So with the car packed to capacity we left Burbank and headed out toward the Mojave desert on route to the High Sierras, The stark beauty is astounding, dry hot land dotted with sparse forests of Joshua trees standing tall and gnarly in the morning sun. Large rock formations conjure … [Read more…]
2017 -Pilates- Stomach Flu – Indian Rice Pudding Well here we are in 2017 and intuitively I knew I had to make some changes. Eating chocolate covered almonds and raisins by the dozen every night was throwing my system out of whack. Bill finally took charge and removed the remains of the two large … [Read more…]
Indian Zucchini Coconut Curry The great thing about making an Indian curry is that you can use any vegetable you have on hand and turn it into a feast and something special. This is a delicious vegetarian dish. I bought some onions, garlic and zucchini at the farmers market and a few ripe tomatoes … [Read more…]
Exceptional Irish Apple Pie As soon as the torrential rain storm hit Palm Springs the other day I made a mad dash out to the back yard to gather the couch cushions and pillows and put them in the garage to stay dry. It lashed out of the heavens, a complete blurry slant of precious … [Read more…]
This recipe for caramelized garlic tart is hands-down the best I’ve ever eaten. When I lived in Venice Beach, California, I frequented the Rose Cafe for lunch regularly. The food was excellent and great for vegetarian salads with lentils, quinoa, barley and veggies. It was quite civilized with classical music and local Art adorning the walls. … [Read more…]
Best Blackberry Apple pie While strolling through the farmers market the other day in the early morning sun, I made my way over to the old Mexican woman’s stall, ‘Buenos Dias Martha’ what have you got today I asked? her smile lit up her beautiful weather lined face and she nodded toward … [Read more…]
Best Berry Breakfast Smoothie It still feels like summer here in Palm Springs although it’s getting a tad cooler at night and early morning – enough to turn off the AC. The pool has chilled down to 72º – too chilly for Bill, but I get in and swim some laps. It’s my favorite exercise. I am not … [Read more…]
Date Scone. Birds are twittering, sitting side by side on the telephone wire in our yard behind the casita. I can feel the slight breeze shifting through the fronds of the palm tree helping their … [Read more…]