Vote NO Measure C. Palm Springs.
Vote NO Measure C. Palm Springs. s. Dear Neighbors, for those of you who are on the fence about Measure C I would like to share another perspective on the subject. Vote No. Palm Springs. My husband and I bought our home in Sunrise Park five years ago this August and live here full time. … [Read more…]
Camping In The Sierras

Camping In The Sierras. So with the car packed to capacity we left Burbank and headed out toward the Mojave desert on route to the High Sierras, The stark beauty is astounding, dry hot land dotted with sparse forests of Joshua trees standing tall and gnarly in the morning sun. Large rock formations conjure … [Read more…]
What I Should Have Known

What I Should Have Known What I should have known when I saw the image of the toilet in the cabin was, don’t even think about it Louise, keep on searching… but no, I didn’t listen to my gut feeling, my intuition. I went ahead and booked the cozy cabin in the pines with … [Read more…]
Love in Paris On Our First Home Exchange

Love in Paris On Our First Home Exchange From the moment the plane touched the ground at Charles de Gaul airport, I felt a flutter in my belly, a thud in my heart and a smile that split from ear to ear. Love in Paris On Our First Home Exchange – yeah! We are in Paris again. Bill … [Read more…]
Palm Springs California a blistering 121º and I’m making a beef stew

Palm Springs California a blistering 121º day and I’m making a beef stew. So here’s the scoop. It’s getting close to our much needed vacation and I decided it was the perfect time to use up all our meat in the freezer and eat up whatever is in the fridge. That way I can give … [Read more…]
Dear Mom,

Dear mom, Dear mom, It’s your birthday tomorrow, June 10th. You would be 90 years old if you were still with us. I see you in my hands and my sloping shoulders that barely keep my bra straps up – just like yours. I see you in the mirror before bed when I put … [Read more…]
2017 -Pilates- Stomach Flu – Indian Rice Pudding

2017 -Pilates- Stomach Flu – Indian Rice Pudding Well here we are in 2017 and intuitively I knew I had to make some changes. Eating chocolate covered almonds and raisins by the dozen every night was throwing my system out of whack. Bill finally took charge and removed the remains of the two large … [Read more…]
Christmas in Allen Park – Part 2

Christmas in Allen Park – Part 2 My son Jacob is flying in from New York and will arrive this afternoon, this mama bear is over the moon with a happy heart. It’s pissing rain with overcast skies and apparently will rain for the next four days. Yes we need it I wont complain … [Read more…]
Christmas in Allen Park – Part 1

Christmas in Allen Park – Part 1 Christmas in my memory was a magical time growing up and everything about the holiday was special. My father would order all the groceries at Mr Styne’s … [Read more…]