Bouillabaisse in Cannes

Bouillabaisse in Cannes Bouillabaisse in Cannes. The best bouillabaisse I ever tasted was in a restaurant in Cannes in the south of France. It was my 40th birthday and I traveled there to celebrate … [Read more…]
Bouillabaisse in Cannes Bouillabaisse in Cannes. The best bouillabaisse I ever tasted was in a restaurant in Cannes in the south of France. It was my 40th birthday and I traveled there to celebrate … [Read more…]
Camping In The Sierras. So with the car packed to capacity we left Burbank and headed out toward the Mojave desert on route to the High Sierras, The stark beauty is astounding, dry hot land dotted with sparse forests of Joshua trees standing tall and gnarly in the morning sun. Large rock formations conjure … [Read more…]
Love in Paris On Our First Home Exchange From the moment the plane touched the ground at Charles de Gaul airport, I felt a flutter in my belly, a thud in my heart and a smile that split from ear to ear. Love in Paris On Our First Home Exchange – yeah! We are in Paris again. Bill … [Read more…]